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Function [up] [down]
Produces a 3-dimensional frequency-spectrum plot of a sample

Parameter [up] [down]
Dirfront : put samplestart at the front-sideback : put samplestart at the back-side
Window (W1)what windowfunction to use
Lineshow many timesslices should SFX render.
MaxLin.how many timeslices will fit on this screen.
BandsJust how many bands should SFX use. Less Bands means less math, but you lose out on accuracy.
GammaNonlinear amplification. Values from 100 % towards 0 % means enhancing quiet details.Values above 100 means hiding them. The default value of 75 % is a good choice tomake quiet signals visible too.

Notes [up] [down]
When calculations are complete a new window is opened on which the graph is drawn. This operator uses the Fast-Fourier-Transformation for its calculations.

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© by Stefan Kost 1993-2001